Valentine's Day

Oralia Valentine's Day

Through the ages, Valentine's Day has been a special day to celebrate the love in our lives. The first association of the day with romantic leanings was in the 14th century with this line by Chaucer:

For this was sent on Seynt Volantyny’s day
Whan every bryd comyth ther to choose his mate.
— Geoffrey Chaucer • "Parliament of Foules"

From that time, over the centuries, the celebration grew to include displays of courtly affection and then expanded to gifts that display love and admiration. 

How do you want to reflect your love to your beloved? Images of a fairytale princess? A playful cutie? A lace clad romantic? A corseted vixen? A silver screen goddess? Not really sure? Perhaps a little mixture of all? Let's have some fun and create a piece of artwork.

Our Valentine's Day Portrait Sessions, and artisanal portrait products are the perfect gift for your beloved. Imagine their excitement (and yours) when they unwrap this one-of-a-kind gift on February 

Contact us today to set up your Valentine's Day Portrait Session to be sure your gifts are ready on time. We can't wait to chat with you!